Feeling numbness in fingers or toes isn’t normal, so if you have been feeling this random numbness—and it’s not going away—you may want to ask your doctor if you could be suffering from peripheral neuropathy. More than 20 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with this nerve disorder, but the National Institute of Health estimates that the real number is significantly higher. The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can be easily confused with other nerve or pain disorders, like fibromyalgia or chronic regional pain syndrome. Furthermore, the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can be mild—so mild, in fact, that people may not seek a diagnosis or treatment at all.

Peripheral neuropathy is a pain disorder that results when nerves in the peripheral nervous system become damaged. The peripheral nervous system is a massive network of nerves that send signals between your body’s extremities and the brain. When you stub your toe, you can thank your peripheral nervous system for sending a pain signal to your brain. When you accidentally elbow the kitchen counter and hit your “funny bone,” you guessed it…your peripheral nervous system is responsible for transmitting those neural signals.

There are a few main causes of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes (type I and II) is the leading cause, as the blood sugar levels associated with this disease can negatively impact the nerves. However, other causes include alcoholism, physical injury, or trauma. Additionally, the side effects of certain medications can cause neuropathy.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:

• Numbness in fingers and toes, or random numbness in other extremities. Numbness is caused by a severed neural connection—think about it like a cut wire.

• Muscle weakness, especially in the feet. This is due to damaged neurons in the peripheral nervous system.

• Painful sensations in your hands, feet, and other extremities. Many people feel burning, stabbing, or shooting pain due to nerve damage.

• Feeling out of balance or having trouble with coordination.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can range from very mild to very painful. At the most severe levels, this nerve disorder can make it very difficult for a person to live a normal, healthy, fulfilling life. Fortunately, unlike the nerves in our central nervous system, the nerves in the peripheral nervous system are capable of regenerating. For that reason, the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may decrease over time.

However, for those cases that do not improve on their own, there are treatment options available. Neuropathic pain agents can treat the pain caused by peripheral neuropathy, and—according to the official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society—ketamine treatments are another highly effective solution. 

Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

JoyDeVie Infusions offers ketamine treatments for those suffering from peripheral neuropathy or other chronic pain conditions. Ketamine delivers immediate and lasting relief, oftentimes for as long as 11 months after the initial series of infusions. Contact our Green Bay, WI ketamine clinic today for more information about this innovative treatment for peripheral neuropathy.