Striving to step into the new year as the best possible version of yourself is admirable. However, all too often, our goals for the year ahead are highly exaggerated opposites to whatever we failed to accomplish over the previous year. I ate dessert 3 days per week last year, so THIS year, I’m not even going to eat ONE dessert…all year! Or, I went to the gym 4 times in all of 2021, but I’m going to go every single day in 2022…no excuses!

Sound familiar?

The problem with inflated objectives like these is that they put immense pressure on us to become someone we’re simply not. It’s a form of self-flagellation—self-inflicted punishment for our perceived failures—and it can put a dangerous amount of strain on our mental health.

80% of people will give up on their New Year’s Resolutions by the time February rolls around. How can you avoid becoming a statistic? Set realistic, measurable goals; have a plan for how you’ll get back on track if you slip up; and find a way to hold yourself accountable.

Follow these 4 steps to set yourself up for success in 2022:

1. Be realistic. Extremist all-or-nothing goal setting is a fast way to ensure failure. It’s not realistic to think you’re going to go to the gym every single day in 2022. However, setting a goal to get to the gym—or do 30-minutes of physical activity—twice per week is much more realistic. You may even try to…

2. …set a timeline. Shoot to make it to the gym two days per week in January and February, and increase your commitment to three days per week in March…and so on. Set short-term goals—with deadlines—to help you build up to achieving your big goal for the year.

3. Have a contingency plan for failure. If you don’t make it to the gym twice next week, there’s no need to throw in the towel on the whole resolution. What do we do when we fall off the horse? We get back on again! Have a plan for how you’ll get back on the proverbial horse, should you fail in meeting one of your short-term goals.

4. Hold yourself accountable. Or find someone else to hold you accountable. Having people on standby to support you on your journey to becoming a better version of yourself will set you up better for success. Accountability might look like bi-weekly check-ins, meet-ups at the gym, or regular phone calls to discuss your progress.

If one of your resolutions for 2022 is to improve your mental health, let us be your support team! We offer IV hydration and ketamine infusion therapy to help bolster your mood and energy levels. Request a free consultation using the brief form below, and a member of our clinical team will contact you to answer your questions and point you in the direction of a new and improved you!


Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

At JoyDeVie Infusions in Green Bay, WI, we offer a full suite of services aimed at treating depression, from seasonal and mild cases of depression to severe, chronic depression. We offer ketamine infusions for depression, as well as natural remedies for depression, such as IV hydration therapy. Ask us today about how we can support your journey towards health and happiness.