Clinical depression can, at times, be treated or improved with the use of holistic remedies. While some cases require medication along with therapy and healthy coping mechanisms, other times simply making a few key changes can improve a person’s outlook. Engaging in self-care practices can be a game-changer for people who suffer, given they do not have suicidal ideations. When you suffer from depression, you can feel as though you’re drowning, and the tendency for many people is to withdraw and isolate. It is advised to fight that urge and to push yourself to do things that can provide relief. Remember, self-care is not selfish, and you cannot pour from an empty cup. Below are five natural treatments for depression to incorporate into your life if you suffer from depression. 

1. Understand Where Your Feelings Come From

Our brains are programmed to protect us from harm, but sometimes our natural instincts can be detrimental. For example, our brains are wired to protect us with fight, flight, fawn, or freeze responses. While these reactions can be beneficial in some situations, in the modern world they can be doing more harm than good. Our thought patterns have a significant impact on our perception, and if we are not in touch with where our feelings are coming from, we may act out in a way that we are not proud of. Being in touch with your emotions, talking about your feelings, and being gentle with yourself are all critical in understanding where your feelings are coming from and how you can act instead of reacting to situations in your life. Always remember, your feelings are valid, but feelings are not facts, and they may not always reflect the truth of a given situation.

2. Rethink Your Diet

It may not come as a surprise that your diet has a direct impact on your mental functioning. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to your diet. Simple changes can make all the difference in the world. Make sure to eat three meals a day to stabilize blood sugar, as this can reduce mood swings. In addition, eating a high protein diet, including foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, getting healthy fats, and avoiding caffeine are all easy things that can positively impact your outlook on life. Having a healthy diet can help to naturally rebalance serotonin in your brain without being on medications like SSRIs or SNRIs.

3. Practice Meditation

Meditation may not be easy to master, but it can have a substantial impact on your mental and emotional state. Start by simply quieting your mind, and witness as your thoughts pass through, not giving weight to any particular thought. Meditation isn’t about not thinking. The goal is to become more aware of your thoughts and to be able to better regulate them. It’s been proven that meditating for just 5-10 minutes a day can help to reduce stress. There are many different types of meditation including transcendental mediation, mindfulness meditation, loving kindness meditation, and more. So, if you do not connect with a particular type at first, give another kind of meditation a shot. Meditation can help you to focus on the present moment instead of focusing on things you cannot control, like the past or the future.

4. Be Present in Your Life

Depression and anxiety can oftentimes be attributed to cognitive distortions such as rumination, fortune-telling, and emotional reasoning. These can cloud our thoughts and contribute to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and fear. Because depression is a master manipulator, someone who suffers from depression may be more susceptible to negative thoughts that overshadow positive feelings about the world around them. Taking time to focus on the now helps to increase gratitude and put things into perspective. When you are able to be truly present in your life, you form strong connections with people and can fight the urge to isolate or withdraw from certain activities. Human beings need connection. Social connection lowers both depression and anxiety, helps us to regulate emotions, can lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and improves our immune system.

5. Spend Time Outdoors

Exposing yourself to sunlight is a natural treatment for depression that can help to boost mood while increasing vitamin D exposure. Another way to mitigate depressive symptoms is to engage in exercise, which releases endorphins and decreases feelings of depression. You don’t have to run a marathon or join a gym. Something as simple as taking a mindfulness walk can help to sharpen your senses and allow you to reconnect with nature and the beauty of the world around you.

Depression is seen as a chronic or recurrent condition that sometimes requires other forms of treatment such as psychotherapy, medication, IV hydration, or ketamine infusion therapy. Ketamine infusion therapy is effective in 70% of patients who suffer from treatment-resistant depression. If you or a loved one suffers from treatment-resistant depression, contact our ketamine clinic today.

Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

Our ketamine clinic and wellness center is located in Green Bay, WI. We offer ketamine infusions for patients suffering from severe cases of treatment-resistant depression, as well as for chronic pain conditions. If you or a loved one is suffering, please contact us using the brief form below. We are happy to offer a free consultation to help answer your questions and determine if you are a candidate for ketamine infusions.