The holiday season is supposed to be a joyous time, but if you deal with depression, the holidays can be particularly challenging. U.S. News reports that nearly three-quarters of Americans experience increased anxiety and depression during the holidays. This is not surprising as the holidays trigger increased stressors, such as navigating family dynamics and burnout due to a packed schedule of activities and commitments.

When it comes to navigating depression during the holidays, there are certain coping mechanisms to help manage symptoms.

Stay in Therapy
Even though this time of year can be overwhelmingly busy, it is important to keep any therapy sessions that you have scheduled. The holidays can bring up difficult emotions and by keeping your therapy sessions, you will have the opportunity to work through anything that might arise.

Be in Tune with Symptoms
If you suffer from depression, you are probably all too familiar with the symptoms you experience. Be mindful of these symptoms and try to be aware of thoughts, feelings, or events that might be a trigger. For example, if finances around the holidays are a stressor, try to budget early and consciously save for gifts you want to give.

Learn to Say NO
Depression can be incredibly draining and can make decision-making difficult. This year, listen to your own needs. Weigh the costs and benefits of participating in holiday activities and learn when to say yes and when to say no. Keep things simple and don’t over-schedule yourself or over-extend your emotional and physical resources.

Stay Sober
Regardless of whether you struggle with alcohol, staying sober is a wise strategy. Alcohol elevates emotions and lowers inhibitions. By staying sober, you can cope better with existing stressors, and it will support good mental health.

Be Patient
The holidays are supposed to be a happy time of year and with depression, you might not feel this way. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to try to set the expectation that this is how you’re supposed to feel. This, however, is unrealistic and can backfire. Make sure that you set realistic expectations during the holidays and not get discouraged with yourself. Seek out the small wins.

The holidays are joyous but also challenging so remember to take care of yourself. Understand your limits and ask for help when you need it. If your depression is extreme and interferes with your enjoyment of the holidays, make sure to reach out to a mental health professional.


Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

At JoyDeVie Infusions in Green Bay, WI, we offer a full suite of services aimed at treating depression, from seasonal and mild cases of depression to severe, chronic depression. We offer ketamine infusions for depression, as well as natural remedies for depression, such as IV hydration therapy. Ask us today about how we can support your journey towards health and happiness.