Depression in the United States has tripled during the Covid-19 pandemic, but what does it mean to be “depressed”? Depression causes a feeling of sadness, a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed, and it can influence your ability to function in your daily life. It may also cause changes in appetite, loss of energy, feelings of unworthiness, difficulty concentrating, as well as suicidal thoughts. These symptoms must be felt for over two weeks, and be a change in your usual mental health status. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding depression that should be debunked and discussed.

Depression is not a real disease.
We live in an assertive culture where there may be a stigma placed on people who may be struggling with depression with assumptions that they are just whining, they are not tough, they are overly sensitive, or are lazy. Many can confuse depression with normal sadness. Depression is a complex condition that is influenced by genetics, hormones, neural networks, and brain chemistry. Depression is not something that you can simply will away, it is a complex medical condition.

A diagnosis means medication for life. 
While at certain points in life for those struggling with depression, medication may be necessary. This certainly does not mean that medication is the only treatment or that they will need it for their entire lives. Folks can work with their doctor on a treatment plan that works for each individual.

Teens are naturally unhappy. 
While many of us have felt the ups and downs of adolescence it is not normal for teens to be sad or irritable for a prolonged time greater than two weeks. Some signs that a teen may need support could be constant feelings of sadness, irritability with friends and family, losing excitement or pleasure in activities they used to enjoy, as well as a sudden change in grades.

If you are depressed, then you must cry a lot. 
Everyone expresses their emotions in different ways. While some may express sadness by crying that is not the case for everyone. Some folks may withdraw from others and bury the pain to hide it or avoid facing it. Others may experience feelings of being numb. We are all unique individuals that express our emotions in different ways, so remember, depression does not always manifest with tears.

Depression is a part of aging. 
Depression does not always go hand-in-hand with getting older. Many folks stay busy by taking on odd jobs, volunteering, are by getting involved with their community. Many people enjoy their retirement by engaging in hobbies or by surrounding themselves with family. When older folks do get depressed, it may present differently than in younger people. When elders experience depression it can often be confused with dementia, aches and pain can intensify, sleeping habits may change, and many may experience a lack of interest in food or activities they used to enjoy.


Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

Please call our Green Bay area ketamine clinic and wellness center to learn more about how ketamine works to treat depression and anxiety, and what other holistic depression treatments are available at our wellness center. We are happy to extend the offer for a free consultation to all new patients!