You’ve probably heard about winter blues, but if you’ve been feeling down this summer, you might be experiencing summer depression. Seasonal affective disorder typically affects about 4% to 6% of the U.S. population, with some experiencing symptoms triggered by the onset of the summer blues.


What is Summertime Depression?

While winter is often linked with depression, summer can bring challenges for many people. Some face financial pressures from expensive vacation plans, while others feel self-conscious about their bodies as social events shift to beaches and pools. The scorching heat can mess with sleep, appetite, and daily routines, adding to the struggle of dealing with summer depression. These factors together make managing this type of depression quite complex for those experiencing it.


Tips for Managing Summertime Depression

Managing summertime depression involves proactive steps to support your mental health during the warmer months:

  • Prioritize Sleep: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even during vacations or summer activities. Getting enough rest is essential for managing your mood.
  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity boosts mood and reduces symptoms of depression. Modify outdoor activities to avoid extreme heat and consider indoor exercise options.
  • Monitor Diet and Hydration: Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water during the day, especially in hot weather, to maintain good overall health.
  • Manage Social Interactions: While social gatherings ramp up in summer, prioritize comfortable and enjoyable events. Organize your schedule and be realistic about meeting with friends to avoid overwhelming yourself.
  • Seek Professional Help: Reach out to a mental health professional as therapy and medication can provide effective treatment options.


Ketamine Therapy

If you find yourself struggling with summertime depression, know that effective treatments are available. Ketamine infusion, offered at our clinic, provides a rapid and effective option for individuals whose symptoms are heightened by seasonal changes. Ketamine can alleviate depressive symptoms quickly and effectively, potentially offering relief within hours.

Ketamine infusion has demonstrated effectiveness in up to 70% of depressed patients, including those who have not responded to other traditional treatments. Ketamine can alleviate symptoms within one to two infusions, sometimes even faster.


Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

Remember, managing summertime depression involves understanding your triggers, seeking support, and taking proactive steps toward mental wellness. With the right strategies, you can navigate the summer blues with resilience and positivity.

Request a free consultation, and together, we can explore the best approach to improving your mood and regaining control of your mental health this summer.