Nowadays, it can seem like everyone wants a piece of you. Your job may expect you to be on call 24/7, while those in your personal life continue to make demands of you. If you struggle with mental health issues, these demands can be extra challenging. Setting boundaries is essential to ensuring your well-being. Similarly, if you have someone in your life who has mental health issues, it’s crucial to know when to set your own boundaries while still being supportive of their needs.


Setting Boundaries

When it comes to setting boundaries, everyone has their own needs and desires. There are several different kinds of boundaries—emotional, physical, material—and each person requires a different set of limits in these areas. When it comes to mental health, establishing boundaries is especially important. Not setting boundaries can lead to mental health issues and exacerbate existing issues. For example, if you feel like all your time is being taken up by other people’s needs and you don’t have room for your own, this can create a precarious state of mind and increase anxiety or depression. Everyone needs time for themselves.

The fact is that healthy relationships are built on understanding each other’s boundaries. A supportive friend or partner wants to be there when the other person needs them—without cramping their space. If you suffer from mental health issues, you know how important it is to have someone looking out for you, but you also need to speak up for yourself if too many demands are being placed on you. This is also true if you have someone in your life with mental health challenges. Helping them out in any way you can is important, but you still have to protect your own well-being. No matter what your situation is, looking after your mental health should be a top priority.


How to Set Boundaries

If a friend, loved one, or a boss is making too many demands, it can be difficult to tell them to back off.  Each relationship has its own dynamic. The first step is understanding the person and knowing how they will respond to the way that you tell them you can’t give them what they want. The most important step for setting boundaries, though, is to simply say no. Many people believe that they are not allowed to say no, but you can always stick up for yourself. Once you draw a line in the sand, you will shift the dynamic of the relationship and you can begin to establish a new dynamic with the person, one in which your well-being is protected.


Contact JoyDeVie Infusions

If you suffer from mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, IV ketamine therapy can be a great solution, particularly if you’ve tried other treatments before with no results. Contact us today to learn more.